
I have finally mastered the art of adding aliases to QMail.

I needed a wildcard setup to handle the spam-squishing mechanism that I’ve been using for a while. As it turn out, QMail has some of this type of functionality built in, but it’s not the same format as what I’ve been using. So I created a new wildcard alias rule in the “assign” file, and it seems to be working fine.

Now, if I want to block email from one of my wildcard addresses, I simply add an alias to the email account “blackholeofdeath”, and all mail to that alias is bounced. I can even do this via the Pleask web interface, which takes it a step beyond my old mail server. This is the first benefit of switching servers that I’ve seen so far. Everything else works but has been a hassle. While I adjust settings to services via SSH, I am reminded constantly why I dislike Linux.